Yes! SuperEval is created for your entire leadership team, and technical skill should not deter anyone from using our system.
While SuperEval is intended to reduce paperwork and be very user friendly, we understand that some people would prefer not to conduct their evaluations online. We recommend implementing the online tool for the majority of your leadership team. And in the case of someone who is not tech savvy or comfortable working online, we can certainly print out a copy of the rubric that is being used by your district. The rubric includes descriptions of each competency. We can also print out supporting evidence to help your team member complete the evaluation.
Now with the superintendent’s self-evaluation in hand, they can conduct their own evaluation. That way, the board members could conduct an evaluation for each competency by scoring the rubric, writing comments, and also refer to the superintendent’s self-evaluation.
Once their evaluations are done on paper, a trusted agent, such as the district clerk, could enter the information into the system based on their paper evaluations. In this way, everyone can can function in their comfort zone without even logging into a computer while the leadership team can still enjoy and derive the many benefits from the system.
Click Here for step-by-step instructions
If you require further assistance, please get in touch with the Helpdesk or 1-844-312-3825
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