Instructions for the Board President
The Mid-Year review allows for discussion amongst the board and will allow the board to examine the Superintendent's self-evaluation, but prevent them from beginning their own evaluations. As the Mid-Year review is intended to be a discussion piece, no rating on a rubric and no official comments are added to the evaluation platform.
The Board can, however, choose to leave feedback as a Shared Document on the Overall Evaluation tab. You can upload PDFs, Word Documents, and more.
A.) To leave a mid-year comment, it must first must be created in the program of your choosing (Word, etc) and then exported in the desired format (PDF, etc).
B.) Next, when selecting the Superintendent from the Dropdown, the Board President will see the following:
C.) To attach a document that memorializes the Mid-Year evaluation, click on Step 2 "Superintendent Self-Evaluation" -
D.) Next, click on the "Overall Evaluation" Tab (the last tab on the right-hand side) -
E.) Then Scroll down and enter the Documents here –
You can Submit a URL, Send attachments via email, or the easiest and most used method, drag a file into the grey box:
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