Step Three of the Dashboard displays how many Board Members have completed their evaluations, how many are in progress, and how many have yet to begin. The number shown in green indicates the number of board members who have completed the evaluation of the Superintendent. The number shown in orange indicates the number of board members who are in progress of their evaluation, and the number in red indicates the number of board members who have not yet started their evaluation.
Clicking into Step Three also allows you to see the progress of each member of the Board on his/her evaluation.
To begin your own evaluation, click the green icon next to your name in the Evaluation column.
A pop-up will appear allowing you to decide whether you would like to start with a blank evaluation or whether you would like to start with the responses the Superintendent provided in his or her evaluation. Choosing to create the assessment with the Superintendent’s answers will provide you with an editable version of the Superintendent’s self-evaluation, and you will be able to change the rating of any competency that you do not agree with.
Start the evaluation by clicking the slider to change the rating of each category or simply click the desired square on the rubric to make the change.
To view the comments left by the Superintendent for each category, click Superintendent Feedback and Comments below each domain’s rating.
Click the My Reflections and Comments link next to the thought bubble beneath the rubric to add your own comments. Type your comments directly into the text editor that appears. After you add comments, the thought bubble will display as solid blue.
If you wish to enter generic comments for a particular domain that does not directly relate to one of the listed competencies, click on the My Reflections and Comments for the (Domain Name) section below the progress bar then enter your comment(s).
To view generic comments for a particular domain left by the Superintendent, click on the Superintendent- Feedback and Comments section also located below the progress bar.
There are three ways to navigate through the domains. You can click the section you wish to jump to in the progress bar at the top of the page.
You can also select the NEXT DOMAIN button at the bottom of each section. As you progress through the sections, click PREVIOUS DOMAIN to move backwards through the sections.
Finally, you may jump to a desired domain by selecting it from the VIEW OPTIONS drop down list above the progress bar. You can also view all domains/competencies on one page by selecting Expand All from the drop-down list.
As you are making changes to your evaluation the progress will be saved automatically, this is indicated in the upper right-hand corner.
If you return to the evaluation at a later time and wish to make changes, click the “evaluation” icon under the Evaluation column, once in the evaluation you can begin to make changes automatically.
When you have completely finished your evaluation, click the checkmark under the Completion column.
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