The Consolidated Evaluation provides a view of the evaluation containing the Board’s average ranking and a table showing the comparison between the Board Average and the Superintendent’s Self-Evaluation. All Board Members may view the Consolidated Evaluation, but only the Board President has the ability to edit it (e.g., removing board members names from comments or summarizing all board members comments into one voice).
Clicking into Step Four will allow you to view the comparison table. Use the corresponding legend located at the bottom of the table to assist with interpreting the table.
To view one domain at a time, click the SHOW SINGLE DOMAIN VIEW button below the table.
Click on the arrows to navigate to the other domains.
To toggle back to the overview, click the SHOW ALL DOMAINS button at the bottom of the page.
Click the orange VIEW CONSOLIDATED EVALUATION button to view the Consolidated (averaged) Evaluation with Board Member and Superintendent comments. The Consolidated Evaluation provides an average of all of the Board Members’ evaluations but does not include the Superintendent’s self-evaluation scores.
Once the Board has reviewed and discussed the Consolidated Evaluation, the Board President will make necessary adjustments and then advance the process to Step Five for the Final Review and Sign Off.
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